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The library has an extensive collection of over 200 databases. These databases can serve as indexes for citations and abstracts, as well as a repository for ebooks, full-text articles, data sets, photos, and other information.

Generally you can use the Articles & Books tab on the library's home page search box to find articles and citations. Using this feature will search UMD’s extensive collection of digital articles, ebooks and books, as well as other content. (Please note that not all databases and resources are indexed by this aggregated search engine, so you may need to search specific databases.)

Screenshot of a count of 742,000 articles found online broken down by location and type


After your first search, you can use the options on the right-hand side of the screen to narrow down to just articles.


For a more focused search, you can look into a specific database for articles. Click on the Databases link on the library homepage. If you have a specific database you want to search or that is recommended to you, you can find it by title, or if you want to search a wide range of resources, choose Databases by Subject.

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  • Last Updated Nov 12, 2024
  • Views 22
  • Answered By Bekky Vrabel

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