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Unfortunately, no. To mitigate cybersecurity and data privacy risks and to comply with licensing agreements, the University of Minnesota is no longer able to provide Google Workspace, which includes Gmail, for University alumni and retirees. One of the consequences of this change is that retirees will be removed from the central directory and authentication systems that we rely on to provide library access. As a result, UMN libraries are no longer able to provide library privileges to retirees as we have in the past.

However, we can assist retirees with getting Community User accounts to borrow physical materials and provide Guest Computer access, which allows you to use most e-resources from a guest computer located within the library for a limited amount of time per day. Community User accounts vary from system campus to system campus, but at UMD they are free to any library user no longer affiliated with the University and are not dependent on location proximity to the library.

  • Last Updated Aug 27, 2024
  • Views 28
  • Answered By Nichole Chisholm

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